Science and Technology Exchange Forum

The Science and Technology Exchange Forum was created so that it would become an opportunity for university-corporation relationship to find solutions to “the technical problems to be solved” for society and the economy of the near future. We expect the Forum will be a good opportunity for university-corporate relations to form cross-sectional teams across specialized fields and industries, so that they may plan and execute collaborative activities to find solutions to the problems.

Previous Forums

28th “Create Movement – Technology to Support Daily Living Activity”
(November 2017)

27th "Heights of Fundamental Biology" - Innovation starts from here –
(February 2017)
26th "Emotion" – Scientific study on human sensibility –
(May 2016)
25th "New Developments for using Space"
- Creating industries with satellites and applied technology –
(October 2014)
24th "Manufacturing Innovation to Change Society" - New challenges for design and production technology –
(November 2013) 
23rd "Opening Frontiers with Organic Materials and Organic Devices" - Creating innovative energy, environment and medical innovation –
 (November 2012)
22nd "For Problem of Circulation and Stable Supply of Metal Resources" Preparing for resource crisis
 (December 2011)
21st "Technological Innovation in Electric Power Energy" New technologies to be accelerated in view of the Great East Japan Earthquake
 (October 2011)
20th "Cyber ​​Physical Information Revolution" - Next generation IT infrastructure connecting information explosion from holistic sensor to value creation –
(January 2011) 
19th "Science and technology to support advanced medical care" Toward the creation of new medical-engineering collaboration
(June 2010) 
18th "Innovation of Information Society Brought by Ambient Electronics" Toward a Human Centric Information Society
(January 2010) 
17th "Future of Solar Energy Utilization" Current status and future prospects for technology development for large scale solar power generation system
 (December 2009) 
16th "Complex Science Technology" Toward science and technology, challenging and utilizing complexity
 (September 2009) 
15th "Food Safety" Development of food safety science supporting safe and healthy life
(April 2009) 
14th "Service Innovation - Establishing a Service Information Infrastructure" (March 2009) 
13th "Gerontology - Interdisciplinary Science to Realize a Safe and Vibrant Longevity Society -"
 (December 2008) 
12th "Food - Problems and the Roles to Be Fulfilled by Industry and Academia -"
(November 2008) 
11th "CCS - Can It Be a Powerful Card in Industry against Global Warming?"
(August 2008)
10th "Developmental Knowledge - Advanced Science & Technology and Study on Human Development "
(June 2008)
9th "Technological Development of Large-Scale Solar Cells and Ripple Effect of Basic Technology"
 (October 2007)
8th “Let’s offer University Software to the World! "
(March 2007)
7th "Service Modeling to Co-Create Value"
(October 2006)
6th "Biomass"
(July 2006)  
Poster   Leaflet
5th "Energy Science and Technology Considering Environment and Economy"
(December 2005)  
Poster   Leaflet
4th "Science and Technology to Support People's Safety and Security"
(November 2005)  
Poster   Leaflet
3rd "Science and Technology to Support People's Safety and Security"
(October 2005)  
Poster   Leaflet
2nd "Science and Technology to Realize a Vigorous Aging Society"
(September 2005)  
Poster   Leaflet
1st "Science and Technology to Realize a Vigorous Aging Society"
(September 2005)  
Poster   Leaflet